Zsófia Rajzinger-Cseke

Health psychologist


I completed my studies in the Master's degree in Health Psychology at the Faculty of Public Health of the University of Debrecen, graduating in 2021. My current plans include completing the professional training in Child and Youth Clinical Psychology.

I have been working in the field of child protection for more than a year as a psychologist in a children's home. Even in this short time, I gained a lot of professional experience.

In my workplace, I mainly deal with traumatized children, with learning and behavioral disorders, as well as with ADHD, between the ages of 4 and 14. Mainly within the framework of individual therapeutic sessions, I provide help in life journey processing, in the development of individual skills and in the development and development of the competences and coping mechanisms necessary for everyday life. In addition, I hold supervision groups for professionals working in child protection, and I also participate as a lecturer in internal, institutional-based training courses.

I mostly work with preschoolers and elementary school children, the most common of which are behavior problems, difficulties with temper regulation, and attention and hyperactivity disorders.

In 2023, I completed the "Behavioral therapy of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder" training organized by the Vadaskert Foundation, which provides an opportunity to provide more specific help to children with similar difficulties.

Child psychological care

Individual counseling using psychological methods

Parent consultation

Child-rearing issues, parent-child relationship difficulties, blockages, issues related to parental role