Child psychological counseling


How can a psychologist help?

A psychologist can provide a wide range of help in dealing with mental and emotional problems for different age groups, depending on individual needs and life situations. In the course of our work, knowing the fundamentals of human psychology, as an external, independent observer, we help in uncovering problems, identifying causes and finding solutions by applying appropriate methods. The methods used allow healing and development to begin. Our methods can reveal the reasons that our mind often hides from our eyes, which a friend cannot shed light on.
Child psychologists deal with issues that affect children's emotional and mental well-being and development:

Recognizing and expressing emotions

They help children understand and manage their emotions. Using play therapy and art therapy to help children express themselves better.

Behavioral problems

Parents are advised on discipline techniques. They work with the child and family to change behavior patterns.

Development sessions

Developing social skills such as making friends and managing conflict. Cognitive development for children with learning difficulties.

Family or school problems

They help children process family changes, such as divorce or the arrival of new family members. They support children in dealing with bullying at school.

It is important to note that a psychologist does not only help when a problem arises; therapy can also aim to improve the quality of life and support personal development.


Our psychologists

for children and their parents

Zsófia Rajzinger-Cseke Health psychologist
Noémi Horváth Psychologist