Career advice


What can career counseling help you with?

Its aim is to support individuals in planning, choosing and developing their careers by using psychological tools and methods. This counseling helps people to understand their own interests, abilities, and personality traits and how they can match them with the opportunities and requirements of the labor market.

Goals of career counseling

1. Develop self-awareness: It helps individuals learn about their own interests, abilities, values, and personality traits.
2. Career Planning: Supports individuals to create a long-term career plan that aligns with their own goals and values.
3. Decision Support: Helps you make career-related decisions, such as choosing the right education and training programs or considering a job change.
4. Stress Management and Coping Strategies: Gives advice on how to deal with work-related stress and challenges, promoting well-being at work and maintaining work-life balance.

The process of career counseling

1. Initial meeting and needs assessment: During the first meeting, the counselor gets to know the individual's situation, career-related questions and goals. This stage may include completing required tests and questionnaires.
2. Self-awareness work: The individual undertakes various self-awareness exercises such as interest tests, aptitude tests, and personality tests that help reveal their strengths and weaknesses.
3. Career Research and Information Gathering: The individual gathers information about potential career opportunities, including trends in the labor market, the requirements of various professions, and opportunities for further education.
4. Goal setting and planning: The counselor helps the individual set specific career goals and plan step-by-step how to achieve them. This includes identifying the skills and training required and developing practical steps.
5. Decision Making and Implementation: The individual makes career decisions and begins to implement the plan, which may include finding a job, continuing education, or changing jobs.
6. Monitoring and evaluation: The counselor monitors the individual's progress and provides additional support as needed. This phase may include evaluating results and modifying plans

Psychological career counseling is therefore a comprehensive and personalized process that helps individuals find and implement the most suitable career path, taking into account psychological factors and the realities of the labor market.


Our psychologist

for career counseling

Balázs Őrsi Psychologist