Adult psychological counseling


How can a psychologist help?

A psychologist can provide a wide range of help in dealing with mental and emotional problems for different age groups, depending on individual needs and life situations. In the course of our work, knowing the fundamentals of human psychology, as an external, independent observer, we help in uncovering problems, identifying causes and finding solutions by applying appropriate methods. The methods used allow healing and development to begin. Our methods can reveal the reasons that our mind often hides from our eyes, which a friend cannot shed light on.
Adult psychology covers many areas, from individual well-being to workplace and relationship problems: 
  • In life issues: Searching for a purpose in life, adapting to changes. In case of decision-making difficulties, the psychologist helps to clarify values, goals and preferences, as well as to develop strategies that help guide the individual in the right direction. 
  • In solving relationship problems: It helps to identify communication patterns, manage conflicts and improve cooperation, so that the strengths of relationships become become. 
  • In the treatment of emotional problems: A psychologist can help discover the root of emotional challenges and can provide support with individual therapeutic methods for the treatment of stress, anxiety, panic attacks or other emotional difficulties. 
  • In the development of self-esteem and self-identity: It helps in recognizing individual strengths and abilities. It supports the improvement of the individual's self-esteem and self-identity to strengthen independence and positive self-esteem. 
  • In processing trauma: Working together with individuals, the psychologist helps to understand and process traumatic experiences, helping to restore quality of life and emotional well-being. 
  • In stress management: The psychologist helps with emotional in handling reactions and developing effective stress management strategies, as well as in finding balance. 
  • In case of crises related to life stages: in overcoming the difficulties of different ages. 
  • In grief processing or in the management of other effects related to the experience of loss. 
  • In career counseling: Support in changing careers or in achieving advancement goals. They help in the management of work stress and burnout. 
  • In solving problems related to gender roles. 
  • In discovering and solving family problems.

For the elderly

Psychological support for older people focuses on issues related to lifestyle changes and aging:
  • Processing lifestyle changes: They support aging people in accepting retirement and other lifestyle changes. They help you process grief and loss.
  • Treatment of anxiety: They offer therapy sessions to maintain mental health. They support the elderly in developing a positive outlook on life. 
  • Reducing social isolation: They support the elderly in maintaining social relationships and forming new ones. They help overcome isolation and loneliness.

It is important to note that a psychologist does not only help when a problem arises; therapy can also aim to improve the quality of life and support personal development.

Our psychologists 

for adults

Anita Vladár Psychologist
Balázs Őrsi Psychologist